The Genesis of a Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging but like the Creation story we all need to start somewhere. So hopefully out of the chaos will arise some musings, some food for thought, and balm for the spirit. Stay tuned.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity & Father's Day 2014


Homily: Trinity Sunday 2014 & Fathers Day

1st Reading: Exodus 34;4b-6; 8-9 – If I find favor with you O Lord, do come along in our company
2nd Reading: 2Cor. 13: 11-13 – Mend your ways, encourage one another
Gospel: John 3: 16-18 – God so loved the world that he gave His only Son.

       A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said to him, "I'll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study the bible a little, and get your hair cut; then we'll talk about it."
A month later the boy came back and again asked his father if he could use the car. His father said, "Son, I'm really proud of you. You brought your grade up, studied the bible well, but you didn't get your hair cut!"
The young man waited a moment and then replied, "You know dad, I've been thinking about that. Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long hair."
His father replied gently, "Yes son and they walked everywhere they went."

       Today is Father’s Day, a day in which we express our love and gratitude for all Fathers living, as well as those who have gone before us. We thank them for their love, their guidance and all that they do, or have done to form us into the persons that God intended us to be.  And like the boy in the story we all have probably tried at one time or another when we were younger to bend the rules or put one over on our Fathers, only to realize later in life that Dad was only trying to teach us something we needed to know.   It is also recognized that not everyone has had a father figure for one reason or another whom they could look up to but the assurance that we all have is that all of us have a Father in heaven.  A Father, who loves us unconditionally and has created each one of us as his own unique and uniquely gifted child.  It’s with this thought in mind that today we also celebrate Trinity Sunday.  Today, while we are reminded of the mystery of God as a community of persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we shouldn’t spend too much energy trying to wrap our minds around how this is possible.  Rather, I think that it is more appropriate that we reflect on the trinity within the role of a Father’s love for His children and how understanding this should enhance our celebration of Father’s Day.  
         The mystery of the Trinity is something we cannot understand in this life, but the love of Father for Son and Son for Father; a love that is so deep that the this love becomes personified in one we call the Holy Spirit is something we can relate to particularly if we have as a model the love of husband and wife.  When a husband and wife give themselves totally one to the other; that love is so deep, so intense that it overflows and becomes personified in their child.
       It is also important to realize that the love of a Father for his children, as well as, a Mother’s love are born of God.  They love their children because that is their purpose.  That is what God made them to do.
         But since this is Father’s day I want to share a couple of thoughts about the importance of being a Father and/or a Father figure because for some people it may be an Uncle, an older brother, a cousin or some other male presence who has fulfilled the role of father for them.
         The first thing I would say is that “Father’s you are not alone”.  Taking seriously the responsibility of Fatherhood and trying to do it right can sometimes be stressful, and sometimes it can be lonely. But as I said earlier, we all have a Father in heaven who we should to turn to every day for guidance and strength, for wisdom, and patience.  We know this to be true because Jesus taught us to call God our Father; our Dad.
We also need to be reminded daily that the way in which the Father loves us is the way that we are called to love our children.
         It is important to remember that God the Father sent His Son not only to save us but also to show us how to be good Fathers.  Jesus came to earth to pass on a message from the Father for us  His adopted children.  “Tell them I love them, and that they are to carry that love into the world.”  And this message from the Father for all earthly Fathers is communicated by His Son the living Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit.   In His message to all earthly Fathers, He commands them to reach, to teach, to lay down their life for their children.   So Fathers, teach your sons how to be Godly men who love the Lord. Teach them to be men who show the utmost respect for women most especially their mother.  Teach them to be men who work hard, and are grateful every day to God for all He provides.  Fathers teach your daughters by your own example what they should expect from a man who would be her spouse.  They should expect unconditional love, respect, and self sacrifice.  They should expect him to be a man of faith.  Fathers teach them that they should not settle for less than a man who loves God, because only in loving God can she be sure that he will love her.
         I have been fortunate to have three earthly Fathers.  My birth Father who was formed me for the 1st 12 years of my life, until he died; my Father who adopted me and guided me into adulthood, and my father-in-law who showed unconditional, self-sacrificing love in caring for my mother-in-law during some 15 years of strokes and progressive debilitation.  He died 6 years ago, just two months after she went home to the Lord.  These three men instilled in me much of the faith, the values, the responsibility I’ve tried to pass on to my children.  This is what I believe a Father is supposed to do.  To live out the commission that Jesus gave us.  “As the Father has sent me, so I send you”.  And teach them all that I have commanded you”. 
         Our Father in heaven has passed on the mantle of Fatherhood to us through His Son Jesus.  Fathers need to reclaim their God-given role to provide for, to protect, to guide, and to teach those placed under his care.  Society needs Fathers who carry out their God-given responsibilities with great joy and great love.  When our society sees an earthly Father fulfilling his mission in a sense they also get a glimpse of the face of God.

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