The Genesis of a Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging but like the Creation story we all need to start somewhere. So hopefully out of the chaos will arise some musings, some food for thought, and balm for the spirit. Stay tuned.

Friday, September 21, 2018


Homily: Monday 16th Week Ordinary Time _July 23, 2018
1st Reading: Micah 6:1-4,6-8–Do the right, love goodness, and walk humbly with your God
Gospel: Matthew 12: 38 –42 – Demand for a Sign

With apologies to C.S.Lewis I submit the following Memo
From: Satan, Prince of Darkness
To: All demons working in the mission fields of earth.

There are generally three types of humans on which we must focus our attention. One group is those who do not believe in an all-powerful God, or in the One called His Son. Our job for them is easy as all we need do is keep them rooted in believing that all they have, that all that happens is within their control, because it is all that they choose to believe or reason could be possible and logical.

The second group are those on which we must focus more of our energy. It is those pathetic humans who have a tepid belief in a Creator, a lukewarm acceptance of the actions of Jesus, His Son, and whose teetering faith becomes stronger or weaker based on what their eyes can see, and how much they comprehend the evidence which is all around them. These are the ones to which we must be constantly attentive to convincing them that they must not only have proof but powerful, visible, undeniable proof that God exists and that He loves them.

Finally there is a third group whom we must also stay on top of; those who seem to be particularly vulnerable to their own human nature, because this God of theirs foolishly gave them free will, and because He did, they mistakenly believe they can do whatever they want because He will always be there to welcome them back if they have strayed from His desires for them. For these it is simply a matter of convincing them that there is no urgency to follow His commandments because they have more than enough time to return to Him.

So keep fighting the good fight of deceiving, and coddling these pitiful creatures for in the end if we do our jobs well, we will win this battle and our ranks will be swelled with those who waited till it was too late to realize what they truly had.

I hope you will pardon my attempts at playing C.S. Lewis but I wonder how many people today would say they believe in God or call themselves Christian, but would still require proof that God is there for them, or that God is listening to them. I wonder if Jesus came today, how many would want proof that it was really Him and would want to see a miracle for their faith to remain firm. And I wonder how many today profess a belief in God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but take for granted His unconditional love and infinite mercy by choosing their own path, following their own desires, satisfying their own cravings, simply because they think that God will always be there to take them back. I wonder how many wait too long or until it is too late.

And I also have to wonder does God get impatient with us? He would certainly be justified in getting frustrated with the hard-headed, self absorbed creatures who are His children.

In today’s 1st reading, God speaks through the prophet Micah seems to have had enough. And in the Gospel Jesus’ response to the Pharisees would make it seem like He is tired of their unbelief, which has once again been revealed in their demands for yet another sign.

In the 1st reading imagine a courtroom with the people of God on trial. In it the Lord has lodged a legal complaint against the nation of Judah. The witnesses are the mountains and hills which are part of God’s creation. There is evidence against God’s chosen people and He has summoned His people to listen to His accusations and prepare their defense. The evidence is all the injustices they have committed and their lack of gratitude for all that God has done for them. The evidence is so compelling that it causes God to cry out and say, “O my people, what have I done to you that you should respond to my love in this way?

Then the people, essentially attempt to plea bargain by asking what compensation they need to pay for their sins. Then Micah speaking the peoples part says “With what shall I come before the Lord?” They want to know what gifts they should bring to appease the Lord. They almost seem defensive and in an almost mocking way, seem to be saying, “Do you want more animal sacrifices, or do you want us to sacrifice our first born for our crimes? They’re trying to pay off God.

But God rejects all of these. It’s almost a slap in His face that his people would speak to Him in this way so He puts an end to the plea bargaining. He says, “I told you what I require. Do what is right and just, love goodness, and walk humbly with your God.” Everything is contained here. This is what God requires of all His people not just the people of Judah in the Old Testament, or those Jesus encountered when He walked the earth, but it is what he requires of us today.

Those who call themselves Christian, who truly live out a God centered life do not need to demand signs, because God is already with them making Himself known each and every day that they choose to humbly walk with Him, to love as He loves, and to advocate for others so that they are treated fairly and justly.

All who say they believe in God and in Jesus His Son, must continually ask themselves am I doing all that the Lord asks of me or am I living only for myself and what satisfies me today, because I will have the time later to do what the Lord asks.

Let’s not make the mistake of believing there is no urgency. We must not take God’s love and mercy for granted. This is what frustrates the Lord and this is exactly what the evil one is counting on.

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