1st Reading : 2 Samuel 5: 1-7, 10 – David becomes King of all of both kingdoms.
Gospel: Mark 3: 22-30 – A kingdom divided cannot stand.
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. A busload of our parishioners is returning this evening from Washington , where they spent the day marching for, witnessing to, and defending the most precious gift God has given us, the right to live. And just as Jesus was met with opposition on so many occasions from religious leaders and the general public, our brothers and sisters who traveled to the Nation’s capitol today were likely to encounter opposition from protestors and lawmakers.
We are a nation divided on so many issues, but none more critical to the spiritual life of our country than those which threaten the sanctity of life. And there was a time when we as a nation could not or would never have imagined that abortion, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research would be not only legal but acceptable to a large portion of society. It didn’t happen overnight. The devil has been working slowly, methodically, and deceptively to change the minds and hearts of people. It has been the execution of a slow and methodical plan to separate people from God. It was so when Jesus walked the earth and it is same today. By misinterpreting, and misrepresenting the words of Sacred Scripture and having disdain for Sacred Tradition, those in power and those seeking power have led people astray. They have determined that they know the mind and heart of God, and have crafted a message disguised as one of compassion when in reality it is self serving. Rather than showing care for human life, they have devalued human life.
Make no mistake it is a faith-filled Christian who strives to live out the words of the Gospel in all humility and seeks to defend the sanctity of all human life that is compassionate. A true pro-life Christian cares for the health and welfare of the woman in crisis as well as her unborn child. A true pro-life Christian cares about the family who suffers watching their elderly loved one’s health deteriorate at the end of life as well as for the elderly person. But just as Jesus was accused of being possessed by the devil for the good works he performed and the truth he spoke, so it is for those today who work to protect life. But to also be clear, there are those whose zeal and passion for the Pro-Live cause have driven them to acts of violence which contradict the very essence of what it means to be Pro-Life. This is also the work of the evil one who deceives and confuses people by convincing them that this is what God calls them to do.
So while it is a fact that today our nation is divided, we must continue to be faithful witnesses of the truth. We must continue to show love and compassion to all in need and forgiveness to those who would persecute with words and actions. We must peacefully and tirelessly work to bring our nation back to God, and under God’s protection. This is what spiritual warfare is all about. This is the heritage of the Disciples of Christ.